
Monday, September 17

PERFUMES- The first love of teens.......

Now a days its really hard to find a guy without a perfume in his wardrobe.. Perfumes are an important part of today's life. Even though its use is not common among some class of people, there is no one who is not attracted by the perfumes.. We are very much interested in using perfumes..

There are many varieties of perfumes available today which are only for


But have you ever gone deep thru this???

Have you ever thought that why we are attracted by perfumes???
Its strange na....
I think there is no one who dislikes the fragrance of perfumes....
The fragrance itself takes us to another world....!

What made me write on this is,actually.... one morning,to be accurate, yesterday, i was getting ready to go to college,and of course, i took my perfume and i just had a thought of writing something on this..as it has become an important part of my life. i just want to share some ideas that i have in my small bundle of knowledge...... Actually, i was very crazy about perfumes and was anxious to know whatever i can about this topic and that made me collecting something about this..

No one knows that when men started using perfumes....Still one thing is sure. The perfumes have attracted men at all times.
Actually Egyptians started this way of using perfumes to add to their own beauty.
We have a lot of things in our nature like tulsi, cinnamon, camphor,almond and the other spices etc that adds fragrance to our life.
We are using spices even in our dishes too....
The pleasent smell of perfumes has a great effect in changing our mood.......
We wont be happy if we are in market or in a place where there is a bad smell...That even makes us irritated even if we are in a good mood.....
On the other hand, even if we are out of mood, a nice and pleasent smell can reduce our tension and give us a mental happiness.....
This is made use in "Aromatherapy".....

We may think that there are a thousand types of perfumes.But the fact is that there are only 11 types of perfumes!!!!. The name of each one depends on the smell characteristics of each.

Floral, Aldehydic, Oriental, Chypre, Green, Citrus, Musk, Animal, Leather, Fougere, Woody are those. All the perfumes available today belong to any of this type.
We can also find perfumes in so many things that we use daily.. They include soap, paste, lipsticks, mouth wash, shampoo etc.
Nature itself is making us feel good by adding beauty and fragrance to our life............
Eau di cologne is called as the 'King of fragrance'. Actually Eau di cologne and perfume are not same.
One interesting thing about Eau di cologne is that it was the favourite one of Napolean. He believed that it gave him confidence.!!! He used to keep cologne with him even during the battles!!!
There is a story about his love for cologne. Once he was defeated in a battle and he was in St.Helina islands. That time, the cologne with him got over. He was so sad. And on his order, his servant made cologne from plants in that islands!!!!...
Also the first perfume producing factory was started in France during Napolean.
I think many of us feel confident if we are in the hands of perfume....
Even i feel something odd if i forget to 'bath' in perfume!!!.....

POISON- This is the name of a famous perfume. I was actually wondered when i heard the name for the first time...There are a lot of perfumes having this kind of interesting names. These kind of names will definitely attract the people....

'The Engineers of nature', BEAVER , is a good producer of pleasent smell.
Despite all, the perfumes have its own importance in today's world. It can attract people at all times.....As time goes, the fame and use of perfumes will go on increasing...................And of course, we, teenagers are always attracted by it................................


Hiran Venugopalan said...
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Hiran Venugopalan said...

The "perfumes" smells a cut-copy-paste fragrance? Is it so? Nice way of writing in a worthless topic ! :)

[Just told my opinion, its good to get a slap on the first blog itself]

Note: The first post was by me. The same content.

Anonymous said...

Na..... Its not so....
I just wrote what i hav scribbled down wen i went thru these once....dats all...
And this is not a worthless topic 4 me....and hope not 4 many of the guys!!!...

Anonymous said...

hmmmm.....and if it seems like wat u said, lemme do sumthing.....

ChInNu said...

Good attempt .

Anonymous said...

Mmmmm lovely post.