Some like that RedIndian ideal ,that after death we would go into happy hunting grounds hunt ,eat ,drink and just enjoy. Well , the idea is appealing. and Chenghiz khan is said to say-what fun would it be if there were no wars in heaven?
Well, wars must have started from the day Adam and Eve ate that forbidden fruit .We read in the Bible that all was so peaceful at the beginning and that all the trouble started from their eating the forbidden fruit. Lions no more played with lambs then and Cain killed Abel after that. We got wisdom and became like God .
.But aren’t these good things to happen –like getting wisdom and getting to become like God?
Why should we kill and fight after gaining wisdom-god isn’t so then why?
What would perfect peace-Shanti be like?
Sometimes when you wake up in the middle of the night, in a house so silent, everyone sleeping their faces like a small child’s, not like the ones with which you quarreled and had little squabbles with in the morning-its total peace-but it’s dark all around.
When you put the lights on you can hear them grumbling.
So it’s dark all-round .would total peace be so like all sleeping –eyes shut – all dark?
Does light or wisdom bring unrest or troubles? well I don’t think so? Satan who handed over the fruit to them had said that we would be “like”God ", not God Himself.
So it’s not wisdom that’s creating the trouble. It’s those parts of wisdom that lies undigested in our brains, like undigested food that’s creating all the troubles and unrest. It might need greater minds to assimilate God’s wisdom completely. So we couldn’t get His wisdom completely, just some bits of it –that too distorted. So it might not be dark when there is total peace all around. It might be true bright light and true activity all around; not-just inactivity. So peace might be wonderful after all –full of activity and dynamic. I mean true peace……..
Thursday, January 10
Posted by
4:13:00 PM
Tuesday, October 30
A Merry World-An Utopian Ideal?
Today I completed reading “The diary of a young girl”. It’s a book I’ve been searching ever since I came to know about it. I visited many WebPages concerning Anne frank and once I came across a blog on her.
There it had been written of the innumerable and horrible struggles that Anne had to face, that at times she was on the verge of screaming and that at times she was in bouts of screaming.
It had been written about their betrayal, arrest, carrying them off on cattle trucks, seperation from parents and starvation,the long cruel and hard death.
The authoress describes all this in detail -their being arrested and led off,the only crime in their being Jews.
Turning back, the world sees how wrong it all was. The Nazis and their supporters were tried and given punishments. The world freezes at the mention of the Holocaust and silently prays “Never again”.
But just think, what was the order of the world then?
The world was divided. People were in a craze.
Germany a land of civilized people turned against some sections of their own people and commited such horrendous crimes?
How could the consciousness of thousands of people be swayed so easily, that very few ventured to think different?
People were in a craze;’ our prestige’,’ our economy’ and this craze could turn them blind against humaneness?
That urge is always resident in each of us- the urge of suspicion, mistrust, hatred and of destruction. This urge always accompanies humanity however civilized they may be.
The order of the world in those days was against the Jews. One can’t help wonder how mass feelings could be altered, but that owes itself to the very unstable nature of the human mind, its pettiness at times, but what seems negative now, seemed to be the most positive way to think once. Seldom do people follow their conscience they follow the opinion of the ‘powerful’, thinking that thus some of their power might rub on to their shoulders, but what actually rubs on to them is their own sense of insecurity, helplessness and vanity.
‘Our prestige’ ,’ Our economy’ such communalistic feelings first stems from ‘my prestige’, ‘my wealth’- from selfishness.
The view narrows down to whatever may do with ‘our prestige’ and ‘our economy’ and often we fail to include anything different from our own concept of ‘our’ness.
My brothers and my sisters, my family and my people, the group grows to all those whom with we shall share the same branch. But the little sparrow that perches on a twig doesn’t see the other branches and the more colourful sparrows there. It’s view is much narrower and hence it suffers.
We remember the holocaust today, but round the world thousands suffer just for being ‘different’. The principles of racism, apartheid, casteism didn’t serve a holocaust to be remembered as monuments.
Thousands of blacks have suffered for their colour. Jews had to go through a holocaust just because they were born as Jews, similarly the ‘blacks ‘had to suffer for being born ‘black’just because their skin was coloured! Being born into a lower caste shut down all the doors for an Indian a few decades back.
A wide world, a world wide enough to include all faiths, beliefs and ideals, a Merry World –is that just a faraway dream? An utopian ideal?
I have got one question to whom ever reading this :"why are you reading this...?..go try some other hihi"
There can’t just be happiness all around, but can’t we have such sorrows that will eventually bring happiness, that teaches us to smile –that which is happiness itself?
Only then would that craziness disappear, that narrowness in our view, that urge to kill, fire and destroy at the slightest spark. The Holocaust, Godhra…the cries of some resound on earth’s bosom.
Let us still hope -for the world is a wonderful place and man is an even wonderful.
Posted by
12:58:00 PM
Ethics and the Media
The media is said to be one of the foundations upon which any true democratic nation can survive. Freedom of thought, speech and action are a must for a just and balanced society. This freedom has been guaranteed in our constitution and it is upon this that one of the 3 pillars of a democratic government, namely the freedom of the media rests.But just think, what all passes under the name of freedom? Recently the state of Kerala witnessed the death of P.Vijayan, a noted critic, author and orator. He died a sudden death. A man who had been smiling passed away in the next instant. He had been holding a press conference and passed away in the middle it, in front of the glaring video cameras.P.Vijayan had indeed been a noted personality and his death is of course a sad event. But what is the necessity in telecasting the event repeatedly?Death is a natural event. People die of various reasons. Many noted personalities have died before and will die in future too, for they too are human.There should be certain soberness in dealing with such issues. Any event that happens in front of us invokes responses within us. These responses lead to bodily reactions that are unhealthy and at times dangerous. They don’t make you feel easy and good at any rate.As P.Vijayan once opined even death may be telecasted alive in a globalised world. Death may be viewed as a valuable “scoop”.Death may be telecasted, but not celebrated.The T.V channels behaved s if they were celebrating an unusual event. By this way they have shown disrespect to the person died and to the society as a whole.Death is a one-time affair. Thank God he doesn’t die again to be telecasted alive again
Posted by
12:55:00 PM
Tuesday, October 9
MOTHER-The light in darkness....
She is the only power behind all his success and fame. She is the only one whose courage and hard work that brought him to limelight. Yes, its none other that Snehalatha, who is the mother of RITVIK, participant of idea star singer telecasting in asianet ( He is a powerful performer of the program, mentally retarded and blind). I think all of you are familiar with that program. He is now the member of every family who watches the program, I went through an article about his mother. From that, I came to know that he is having an elder brother, 28 years old, blind and mentally retarded as him. Just think of her....Being the mother of two such kids! Think of the courage she has shown to take care of her children and to bring them up to this level....
The elder one's condition is better then Ritvik. He is now working in a call centre. He is first rank holder of the college. Its the effort of his mother that made him study and reach at the top! But its really difficult to look after Ritvik who is not able to eat properly! Remember that the time needed to train such a guy is twice as that for an ordinary one. He doesn't know any language, just mimics what he is hearing. His mother has to by heart all the songs, lyrics and then has to make him understand. And its she only who is behind making his life really adorable. If she remained in the house, looking after them as every one does, he would not be known to the entire world today. The true love of a mother for her kid is reflected perfectly in this woman. The condition of this mother is really miserable when she faces the unbelievable truth that their first kid is blind, whom they got after waiting for long years. The heartbeats of these two blind kids is perfectly understood by this mother.This mother is now seeing the world through his eyes. These children are the life of this mother. She is a real personification of mother's love. I am not getting words to express my respect and gratitude to this mother.
No love is as precious and powerful as mother's. Mother is the embodiment of sacrifice. She is the incarnation of infinite love.
Let her transfer that love to the whole of humanity............
Posted by
7:42:00 PM
Tuesday, October 2
In the remembrance of our dear Bapuji.........
Posted by
11:46:00 AM
Monday, October 1
We are proud of u Sunitha........
Posted by
8:41:00 PM
Sunday, September 30
Why Shud Boyz Hav All The Fun....????
I think all of you have heard this caption in the ad of pleasure.......... It is concerned with that ad only.... But it can be extended to all aspects. This caption is very relevant today. Why society is always giving importance to men?? why cant we mary men insted of men marryiing us....think about it...
Men are dominent in all cases. Of course, they only have that physical ability and power to perform everything. Still....they dont have some thing...
Everything is under their control even though women are rising up in various levels.
Men and women shud be given equal importance.every whrere aeven
Even now in some families preference is for boy kids. The grandpa and grandma in some families will talk everything in favour of them. They wont allow boys to enter into kitchen and all that!! But that things have changed a lot today. Now men and women are equal in kitchen and other matters.
Women should be given oppurtunity to show their hidden energy. They have the capacity to solve problems and face difficulties as men. Hardships will reveal the hidden potential and caliber in women.
In today's world men are free to go anywhere at anytime. They need not be afraid of anything. All fun is theirs. But a girl cannot be like this. She has to be very careful. Why is it so?? Why girls are not getting the freedom that boys are enjoying??
In foriegn countries and all women can enjoy and be dominant in the society. They are not afraid of anything. They stand on their own legs and they can go anywhere. They have the responsibility of looking after their family. One important factor for this freedom may be the strict rules of their country. There are strict and severe punishment for men if they do any harm to women. But in God's own country why people are so cruel to women?? The cruel activities to women are increasing day-by-day. The news papers are filled with these kind of news everyday. There is no security for women in today's society.
Things shud not go like this. Women shud be given respect and importance in our society. The one who gives birth to a child is a woman. She is the one who look after her child despite of all the hardships. We should recogonize her value and should give that respect she desrves. Men alone cannot make this world as it is. Women are also an important part if that.
Always remember there is a woman behind the success of every man. She should not be imprisoned in the four walls of the house.
And my dear friends........Rise up......!!!!
Be brave to do what u have to do. Nothing is impossible for we people.
Where women are concerned the unexpected always happens...........
Have fun.....Enjoy your life and be proud to be a sexy girl.................................
Posted by
9:56:00 AM
Saturday, September 22
Most powerful SHE – Maa
The moment a embryo originate in her womb her caring starts and its then continues through out her life. For Almost everyone when he/she hears the word amma(mother) the feeling that comes into mind will be of course the caring she(mother) showered on him/her. She forms a shield of love and caring. That feeling is mother.
But nowadays in our generation children forget to atleast to respect their mom.Even wht we want to pour on her is not respect its ocean of love. If one can give back to her atleast a small percent of love she had given it’s a luck. Hierarchy of respect in Hindu Culture goes like this Mother, Father, Teacher, God .
So if anybody ever hurted ur mother just say a sorry to her once, and start loving her more and more………..She is always powerful with the most powerful weapon( love )
………..There is more and more to write about her..…..
Posted by
12:03:00 AM